The label INDEX was founded in 2004 by sixpackfilm and Medienwerkstatt Wien. Its aim was to make available film and media art for private use and educational purpose. Since 2019 INDEX Edition is part of sixpackfilm.
Similar to a small publishing house for quality literature, INDEX Edition release and distribute audiovisual publications relevant to the history of international and Austrian film, video and media art. Information about the artists and their production methods as well as analyses of the works are provided in a bilingual German-English booklet. The releases are available to schools for educational use, as well as universities and libraries.
There is a certain focus on Kurt Kren with three publications, but almost all important representatives of both Austrian avant-garde film and media art appear in the selection. The programme reveals also how highly differentiated the individual scenes have been: between the feminist body concept art of VALIE EXPORT and the Queer home movies by Pürrer/Scheirl, between the travel reflections of Lisl Ponger and the material studies by Gustav Deutsch, there are numerous references which are not based on common strategies or topics but on a dense array of audiovisual works dealing with identity, materiality and the many facets in between.
In cooperation with: Filmarchiv Austria, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien
Financial Support: ZIT Zentrum für Innovation und Technologie GmbH - ein Unternehmen des Wiener Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds, Filmfonds Wien, Abteilung Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Niederösterreich, Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (Sektion Kunst), Fachverband der Film&Audiovisionsindustrie, Erste Bank, SONY DADC, wirtschaft. kunst und kultur gmbH (Wiener Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds), departure