Jens Höffken

* 1985, Germany
Born in Viersen. He studies "Fine Art" at the Art University Linz. After school he worked editorially for political organizations, worked in an advertising agency and wrote cultural essays. In 2007 he began his work for the theater. He assisted in a number of productions. This work led him to the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, the Deutsche Oper am Rhein and the Deutsche Oper Berlin. At the small theaters in Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia, he made his first stage experiences. With his performances, he was a frequent guest of the Oberhausen Beatplantation, the "Young Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus" and ZAKK. His most recent works are essay films and text objects that deal primarily with literary subjects.
Die Beschaffenheit eines Astes
Suhrkamp 2013
Eine Frau kauft Brot 2012