
In English, “trespass” means to intrude, but it could also be an unauthorized entry, or in legal jargon, a “domestic disturbance.” trespass, Paul Wenninger’s ten-minute real-animation film plays with all of these meanings in a technically impressive, varied, and precise tour de force. A consistent element throughout is a type of avatar of the director, a character created from real images, whom the film sends on a world journey, of sorts, within his own four walls. The penetration of the outside world is both abrupt and varied: whereas the strange, inert main figure with his jerky movements initially seems isolated in the bare dungeon of a green-painted cell, all at once, windows are inserted in this monad—to use the terminology of the philosopher Leibniz. A wild process of transgression can now begin. Not only does an excess of “world” suddenly appear in the cell windows, but the entire background, from which the character is set-off, is filled with profuse images of the most distant scenes in Eritrea, Brussels, Helsinki, Vienna, and France. The “backdrops” change and tumble into one another, as though by mouse click, which hardly affords the thoroughly stationary protagonist a hold. Although he maneuvers through and deals with a seemingly endless assortment of everyday objects, he still remains imprisoned in a cell-like existence. In the end, he must attend his own death and the slow draining of his blood—paint that mutates to blood and then back to paint again. The “intrusion” from outside is thus subjected to a paradoxical twist: it is not the world, another life, a foreign power that can suddenly be felt in the here and now, but instead, despite all of its animation and dynamics, the character’s own vitality is increasingly “divested” as the film progresses. trespass hereby brings to bear a clever, visually enchanting subject-object reversal—moving beyond, even moving beyond oneself, which for the longest time, one seems to perceives as an invasion from the outside. (Christian Höller)
Translation: Lisa Rosenblatt

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Lobende Erwähnungen One Day Animtion Festival 2012 (Award)

TRESPASS - Paul Wenninger
Begründung: Lisa Neumann
Es sind ungeheure Distanzen, die der Protagonist in entschleunigtem Tempo zurücklegt, Grenzen, die ohne Pass passiert werden, während die globalisierte Welt
an ihm vorbeirast, während die Räume - ganz analog - ineinandermorphen. Das ist, was nur der Animationsfilm kann. Und dass Paul Wenninger auf seiner Reise einer
genialen und in der Machart ungeheuer aufwändigen Pixilation-Choreographie und Farbdramaturgie folgt, muss unbedingt mit einer lobenden Erwähnung bedacht werden.
Orig. Title
11 min
Paul Wenninger
Short film
Orig. Language
No Dialogue
trespass (Image)
trespass (Image)
trespass (Image)
Paul Wenninger
Paul Wenninger
Paul Wenninger
Nik Hummer, Paul Wenninger
Michael Moser, Nik Hummer
Sound Editing
Nik Hummer
2 D Animation
Martin Musič, Peter Koger
Image Editing
Martin Musič
Colour Correction
1z1 screenworks, Kurt Hennrich
Special Effects
Nik Hummer
Paul Wenninger, Kabinett ad Co, Gabriele Kranzelbinder
Paul Wenninger
Paul Wenninger, Jerzy Palacz
Johanna Lakner
Set Design
Nik Hummer, Paul Wenninger
Production Manager
Sophie Pachner, Marie Tappero
Sophie Pachner, Rotraud Kern, Michael Dornhauser, Catherine Diverrès
Peter Koger, Nik Hummer, Paul Wenninger
Christof Amann
in collaboration with
Nik Hummer
Supported by
Wien Kultur, Innovative Film Austria, Land Niederösterreich Kultur, Österreichisches Kulturforum Brüssel, Österreichisches Kulturforum Helsinki, Österreichisches Kulturforum Paris, 2. Bezirk Wien Leopoldstadt, 7. Bezirk Wien Neubau, 14. Bezirk Wien Penzing, 20. Bezirk Wien Brigittenau, Basis.Kultur.Wien, SKE Fonds
Available Formats
DCP 2K flat (Distribution Copy)
Aspect Ratio
Sound Format
Frame Rate
25 fps
Color Format
Digital File (prores, h264) (Distribution Copy)
Festivals (Selection)
Viennale - Vienna Int. Film Festival
Wien - One Day Animation Festival (Jury Special Mention + Audience Award)
Hong Kong - Int. Film Festival
Tampere - Film Festival
Graz - Diagonale, Festival des österreichischen Films
Osnabrück - EMAF - European Media Art Festival
Wien - VIS Vienna Independent Shorts
Jeonju - International Film Festival
Edinburgh - International Film Festival
Birmingham - Flatpack Festival (Flatpack WTF Award)
Varna - World Festival of Animated Films
Annecy - Festival Int. du Cinema d'Animation (Distinction for a first film)
Sao Paulo / Rio de Janeiro - Anima Mundi Animation Film Festival
Limassol - Cyrus Int. Short Film Festival
Cork - IndieCork Film Festival
Brest - Festival du Film Court
Dallas - Video Festival
Uppsala - Int. Short Film Festival
Leipzig - Dok Leipzig - Int. Festival für Dok.- u. Animationsfilm
Wiesbaden - exground Filmfest
Kassel - Dokumentarfilm- & Videofest
Barcelona - L’ALTERNATIVA - II Mostra Internacional de Cinema Alternatiu
Segovia - 3d-Wire
Seoul - Animpact Animation Film Festival
Madrid - Semana de Cine Experimental (5th Prize - AEC Best Photography)
Badalona - Internacional de Filmets
Leuven - Short Film Festival
Ljubiljana Animateka - Int. Animation Film Festival
Montreal - Les Sommets du Cinéma d’Animation de Montréal (Grand Prix)
Lissabon - Monstra Festival of Animated Films
Buenos Aires Festival Int. de Cine Independiente BAFICI
Nijmegen - Go Short Film Festival