You don't kiss Leopards

Mon Jan. 14, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

The programme with the title of Howard Hawks' comedy is dedicated to humour in artistic film. Carola Dertnig presents the preconception of women as incompetent car drivers in a way that is ready for the scrapheap. Rauchensteiner deconstructs Rilke's autumn poem in recitative and Hund und Horn observe three mice in a model house made of edible material. Anna Vasof's animated sculptures made from everyday objects make us smile and marvel. Pfaffenbichler honours Eisenstein, Cambrinus Dada and both think art further. In Coke, Brehm underpins a remix of his cosmos of images with a kitschy sound. Johann Lurf focuses on roundabouts and their embellishments, while VALIE EXPORT turns body parts into advertising media and offers them for sale. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 

Tickets: oder 01-512 18 03
