While in Berlin in the summer of 1993, my Fuji-P2 camera suddenly seemed completely strange to me. I reacted by filming myself while standing in front of a 3-piece "Hilton mirror" and panning the P2 back and forth so that my gaze followed the camera angle, and so that it did not... (Dietmar Brehm) Brehm´s Übung started when he picked up an unfamiliar 8mm camera and experimented with shooting into three part mirror in a simple panning motion. In editing, Brehm discovered that rejected footage marked by an X was more interesting because of the presence of the mark which denoted its unusability. The exercise, in its final form, is evidence of how unplanned action can result in a shrewed piece of experimental cinema. A Film that "reflects", both visually and conceptually, on the film and its maker. (Catalog of the Melbourne International Film Festival)
3 min