Homewards. Vienna 1941/1996 - Regulated Passions VII
1000 years Austria / Pathos und Plan Once ghosts came from the past now from future they come just as well. (Brecht) It was hoped that people could be dulled into passionate nationalist hatred and that through artificial excesses against foreigners they would forget their real aspiration and their home grown traitors. (Marx) On the prevalent boom of various inflated national feelings, racisms, oaths sworn on homeland, blood and soil. In the experimental film Homewards. Vienna 1941 / 1996 a montage of text and sound is added to an historical sequence from the Nazi propaganda film "Homecoming". "Homecoming" was produced in 1941 by Vienna Film. The film shows perpetrators who act as victims, people responsible for genocide who become martyrs. Iconic Austrians take an oath in Poland on their German homeland, the nation and the topsoil of the field. And we, we shall be in the midst inside, in the heart of Germany. Home and at home / when we wake up from sleep, there the heart will know in a sudden sweet shock, we are sleeping in the middle of Germany, home and at home, and all around millions of German hearts beating, beating on and on softly / at home you are, man, home, at home with yourkind. Then your heart will be marvellously moved. (Homecoming 1941) The oath sworn on homeland and nation dripped with pathos is dismantled and confronted with writing on the screen. The text refers to the structure and composition of the fragmented speech. Plan and Pathos are alienating each other. (Institute for the Science of Evidence)
Heimkehr. Wien 1941/1996 - Geordnete Leidenschaften VII
5 min