Manfred Oppermann

* 1955, Germany
born 1955 in Hamburg
Studies at the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg
1980 co-founder and member of the film and video workshop DIE THEDE, Hamburg
since 1993 artistic collaboration with Gerda Lampalzer
since 1994 teaching Art and Visual Digital Design
since 2003 member of IG-Bildende Kunst
1997 Artist in Residence at United Media Arts Durham, Canada*
2002 Gastatelier-Stipendium Hamburg, Deutschland*
2004 artistic residency, Cebu, Philippinen*
Exhibits his work internationally since 1984
1997 „Paranormal“ with Gerda Lampalzer
1993 „Zu hundert Jahre Film“
1991 „Mai Tape“ with Christian Bau
1990 „Lubitsch Junior“ with Christian Bau, Jens Huckeriede, Peter Stockhaus,
………….. Jenny Ramcke
1987 „Maschinensturm“ with Maria Hemmleb, Christian Bau
…………. .(Preis der Deutschen Filmkritik,
………….. Silver Plaque Internationale Filmfestspiele Chicago)
1986 „Giftschrank“
1985 „Das Neue Hamburg“ with Christian Bau
1984 „Aus Lust am Schauen“ with Christian Bau