Tina Hochkogler aka tinhoko

* 1967, Austria
Tina Hochkogler aka tin.hoc, tinhoko is a video artist, animation filmmaker, visual media and communication and graphic designer, living and working in Vienna. Her art emerges from a layering of temporal and spatial processes that involve various media. Materials, images and concepts are transformed into objects or visual sequences. They serve as perceptual stepping-stones in ever-shifting landscapes of personal adaptation, which can never achieve perfection or completion, only uniqueness and diversity.
Transorganism-Ausstellung R. Repey, Videoinstallion/Doppelprojektion, Okt. 2022 / FindingForte, Designforum Wien-Sept. 2022 / Viny- lograph im Künstlerhaus Wien Factory im Rahmen des Popfestes 28-30.07.2022 / HosekContemporary-MS Heimatland Berlin / Improvi- sed&Experimental#141-20.07.2022 / Vinylograph (Tonbildpostkarten)-GalerieCharim 2020 / Creative Cluster Traktorfabrik, In Kooperation mit dem ArtStart: Studio 2018 Programm der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Juni .2018 / Kunstraum ANNA, „arrangement of the inter- val“, Wien 2017 / Nuit Blanche Bruxelles 2015 (Globe Aroma) | ARTmART 2015 / Austrian Sino Arts Programm - refuse the shadow exhibition - Hongkong / „no man paradies/murky“ Gemeinschaftsausstellung mit Richard Repey, Wien 2013 / Austrian Sino Arts Programm - 2012 Beijing / Cut & Splice 2005 - Dots and Lines - Online Exhibition - Edinburgh / Abstraction Now - Künstlerhaus Wien 2003
Into The Nowness — Animation / Live + LiveStream 08.09 / Vienna Improvisers Orchestra / Porgy&Bess, Wien | 2024
The Ice Life — Installation / mit M. Ungureanu, St. Schneider, M. Lucas, M. Thorsson / Wien, Reykjavík | 2023/2024
Walk with Rothko — Animation / Live / Vienna Improvisers Orchestra / Künstlerhaus Factory, Wien | 2023
Cut-Up Loops — EYE DROP – Animation / Live / Künstlerhaus Factory Rotor #11, Wien | 2022
Cut-Up Loops — Walking Walking Man — Animation / LiveStream 20.08. / Kaffee Adele XIX-Echoraum | 2021 / CAFE WOLF, Graz | 2021 Samolee — Live AMA & tin.hoc — Setzkasten:Kastenkonzert #34 / Kramladen, Wien | 2021
Cut-Up Loops — O.T. Animation / LiveStream 20.06. / KaffeeAdele - Echoraum, Wien | 2021
Cut-Up Loops - I had love in my hands — Animation / LiveStream 19.12. / Echoraum, Wien | 2020
Cut-Up Loops - Rapids — Animation / Semper Depot / La Cueva, Wien | 2019
DanceSeduction — O.T. Animation / Projektion / Volksgarten, Wien | 2019
Tape release — O.T. Animation / Abrupt & Power & Umbra / SSTR6, Wien | 2018
Hans Live — O.T. Animation / Clownmuseum, Wien | 2018
Smallforms — CUT x SPUNK - O.T. Animation / ChateauRouge, Wien | 2018
Best Austrian AnimationFestival 2023 / Focus On Tin.Hoc, Breitenseer Lichtspiele 2023 / Best Austrian AnimationFestival 2019 / Living Collection sixpackfilm: Animal, Wien, London, Bristol 2017 / Cinema Session „Element Wasser“, Filmarchiv / Reheat Festival 2013 / ASIFA One Day Animation Festival 2012 / MIRE- cinéma expérimental / Vilnius - Tindirindis International Animated Film 2011 / L‘ASSOCIATION SILHOU- ETTE Festival 2011 - Paris / Split Film Festival 2011 / Paris - Festival des Cinemas Differents Collectif Jeune Cinema / Hanoi Soundstuff Fes- tival 2011 / Diagonale 2011 - Graz / LIAF - sixpackfilm tribut - London / MIFA, Melbourne / The Austrian Abstracts, 1012 LB AMSTERDAM
/ Festival Court-métrage International, Lille :session #6 / Ris-Orange 04 - Cinessone Film Festival 2004 / Sonic Acts, Amsterdam Paradiso 2004 / Intedependend Film, Festival 03 - Nashville / Lovebytes Festival 03 - Sheffield / Transmediale - Berlin 2003 | Diagonale 03 - Graz / Visiosonik - Lille 03 / Godard Remix 2002 - Konzert/Video im Konzerthaus Wien- the gift of sound and vision II / BackUp Festival - Weimar / Wisconsin Film Festival 01 / VIDEOEXperimental - Zürich 2001 / NY Underground Film Festival 01 / Electronic Culture - Pau (F) 2001 / Festi- val du Court Métrage - Nizza / Diagonale 2001 - Graz / Underground Film Festival - Chicago / 17. Int. Kurzfilm-Festival - Hamburg 2001