Michaela Pöschl

* 1970, Austria
born on 2/7/70. Studied under Paul McCarthy, Los Angeles.
Artist, art historian, curator.
Works in media such as video, installation an text on Body Art, (filmic representations of) Interventionist Practices and normative concepts of violence. Abuse, Pictures (exhibition, IG Bildende Kunst and Topkino, 2006), Sprengt den Opfer-Täter-Komplex! (videoinstallation, Ega Lounge 2005), Pictures of Victims and dogshit, On representations of violence against women in public space Vienna (text, in: Kulturrisse 1/05), beyond the limitations of the rectangular frame (Text, in: Bildräume und Raumbilder. Repräsentationskritik in Aktivismus und Film, Turia und Kant 2004), The personal is political, und peinlich (exhibition, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, 2003), 1920 1991 (soundinstallation, Stuttgarter Filmwinter, femme:os, 2002), I am a piece of shit (video, 2001), The sleep of reason (video, 1999). Teaches at the HBK Braunschweig and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.