Ulrich Kühn

* 1982, Austria
born 8.3.82 in Amstetten, Austria
Lives and works in Vienna
since 2002 studies at the University for Applied Arts Vienna
Media Arts, Erwin Wurm
Art and Communication, Barbara Putz-Plecko
Grants and Awards
2003 Merit Scholarship by the University fo Applied Arts Vienna
2004 Project Grant by the University fo Applied Arts Vienna
2005 Agitas Kunstpreis: 1^ Prize with Markus Hanakam
2006 grafXY Publikumspreis mit Michael Wilhelm
2009 (Nach)wirkungen ad Alice Schwarzer: 2 Price
2009 Ursula Blickle Videoaward: 1 Prize
Exhibitions (Selection)
2009 "kühn & gratis", Ausstellungsraum Praterstr 15, Vienna
2009 "Wiener Gerücht", MUSA, Vienna
2009 "best works from sound:frame", Austrian Cultural Forum, New York
2009 "music night", ars electronica, Linz
2009 "(Nach)wirkungen. ad Alice Schwarzer", Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna
2009 Soundframe festival, Vienna
2009 "setkání 4", namest nad oslavou, Czech Republic
2009 "i know the way to the hofburg", crossbreeds 09, WUK, Vienna
2009 art s birthday "on max brand", Kulturfabrik Hainburg
2008 "Belletage", Alte Villa Junge Kunst, Vienna
2008 "Klangpark", ars electronica, Linz
2008 "Lichtturm", Synästhetisches Stadtkonzert; Viertelfestival NÖ
2008 "kunst di bewegn" - Videoinstallationen, MAKNITE, Vienna
2007 "faktum flakturm", Flakturm Ahrenbergpark, Vienna
2007 Kunstsymposion Ybbsitz, Niederösterreich
2006 "recollection", Vienna
2006 "Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit", Fluc, Vienna
2006 "Separate Connections", MAKNITE, Vienna
2004 "Borderline", Mobile Museen, Berlin im Museumsquartier, Vienna
2004 "Turntable", Summer Stage Skulpturengarten, Vienna
2003 "Tonspur 01", Museumsquartier, Vienna
Group Exhibitions in Finland, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria; Concerts and
Works (Selection)
2009 "Kabelbrand - the sounds of the max brand synthesizer" (Audio-CD)
2009 "Lifeshow" (Video Clip)
2009 "How to do Circuit Bending" (Video Installation)
2009 "Solitons" (Video Clip)
2009 "Synapsenservice" (AEC- Experimental Visuals)
2009 "Typewriter Arkestra" (Sound Installation)
2008 "Experiments of Arts" (Experimental Short Film)
2008 "Skaskaska" (Video Clip)
2008 "Velophon" (Interactive Installation)
2008 "Re:collection" (Experimental Short Film)
2008 "Carrera Carrer" (Sound Performance)
2008 "Vexation II" (Sound Installation)
2008 "Bandraum" (Sound Installation)
2007 "Neighbourhood Watch" (Installation)
2007 "andUpandDown" (Interactive Installation)
2007 "Sarah Wiener" (Interactive Installation)
2007 "Reflux" (Performance)
2007 "Midi-Calculator" (Sound Installation)
2007 "Landstrasse 3000" (Sound Installation)
Works in Collections
Ursula Blickle Videoarchiv:
"I want to kill you", "Lifeshow"
Collection of the University fo Applied Arts Vienna