Meinhard Rauchensteiner

Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Foto: Peter Lechner

* 1970, Austria

Born in Vienna in 1970. Studied philosophy, fine arts, applied arts, theology and political science at the University of Vienna, the Academy for Fine Arts and the University for Applied Arts. 1999-2007 Deputy spokesman of the Austrian Federal President, speechwriter; from 2007: Advisor for Science, Culture and Art to the Austrian Federal President.

Books: Der Zeit ihre Kunst, der Kunst ihre Couch (Wien 2009), Wie man einen Picasso zersägt (Wien 2010), Das kleine ABC des Staatsbesuches (Wien 2011); films: und du hast nie etwas gesehen (2013, with Nives Widauer); Herbst (2015)

Portrait (Image)