Clara Trischler

After studying film at the European Film College in Denmark, Clara Trischler worked in the Holocaust Research Center of "Yad Vashem" in Israel as well as being a writer for Austrian radio broadcasting during the Gaza War of 2009. After several film jobs in Berlin and New York she finished her studies of screenwriting at the Film academy of Vienna and the Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte in Buenos Aires where she discovered her love for documentary films. Currently she studies documentary film directing at the Film university Konrad Wolf in Babelsberg and lives in Berlin.
Filmographie Regie/filmography director -
Regie & Drehbuch / directing & script: 2013 "Das erste Meer" (IL/Pal, Dokumentarfilm)/
"The First Sea" (IL/Pall, Documentary) // 2012 "Muscheln und Milch" (IL/Pal, Kurzdoku) / "Seashells and milk"(IL/Pal, Documentary short) //
2011 "Sinkende Inseln" (A, s/w, 16mm, Kurzfilm) / "Sinking islands" (A, b&w, 16mm, Documentary short) // 2010 "Sinai" (A, Stummfilm, 16mm) / "Sinai" (A, silent film, 16mm) // 2007 "Wir haben keinen Himmel auf den wir warten sollten" (DK, Kurzspielfilm) / "We have no heaven to wait for" (DK, Short); "fears & faces" (A, Kurzdokumentarfilm/Installation) / "fears & faces" (A, Documentary short/installation)
Script only: 2013 "Tuppern" (Regie: Vanessa Gräfingholt, 35min) / "Tuppern" (Director: Vanessa Gräfingholt, 35min) // "Albatrosse" (Regie: Mike Kren, 35mm/Super 8, Kurzfilm) / "Albatross" (Director: Mike Kren, 35mm/Super 8, short)