Ian Kaler

IAN KALER is a film maker and performer with a background in choreography and contemporary dance. He has an MA in Film Making – Directing Fiction from Goldsmiths, University of London (UK). Prior he studied Transmedial Art at the Unversity of Applied Arts, Vienna and graduated from the BA Contemporary Dance, Context, Choreography at the University of Arts, Berlin (DE). His first narrative short Grafting Self premiered at BFI Flare in London in 2023 and screened at the Rio LGBT-QIA+ Festival Internacional de Cinema in Brazil and the Choreografic Platform Austria in Vienna in 2023. In the US Grafting Self premiered at Poppy Jasper IFF in April 2024. The first part of the Sentient Beings series, a teaser version, was presented as part of the group exhibition Brigitte Kowanz ETC at PARALLEL Vienna in 2022. Kaler develops stage and video-works across contexts with a team of longterm collaborators. His choreografic pieces were presented nationally at Tanzquartier Wien, ImPulsTanz, TBA21, Le Studio Film und Bühne, Szene Salzburg, Festspielhaus St. Pölten and toured in Europe, Columbia and Mexico. Some of the core-themes his work addresses center embodiment and coming-of-age through a trans masculine lens, the figurative composition of the still and moving body, the relationship be- tween bodies and the space/s they inhabit, horses and other sentient beings and encounters with them.
Filmography (selection): The Growing Edge (2024) Short film: Writer, Director, Producer, Performer, V.O. Speaker Sentient Beings Teaser und Sentient Beings (2022) Choreografic video installationen: Director, Producer, Choreographer, Performer Grafting Self (2022) Short film: Writer, Director, Producer, Performer, V.O. Speaker Me becoming myself (unfinished) (2016) Choreografic video installation: Director, Producer, Performer