Wien - Viennale - Int. Filmfestwochen
Brest - Festival du Film Court
Austin - Cinetexas - Int. short film&video&new media festival
New York - Film Festival
New Jersey - Black Maria Festival
Oberhausen - Int. Kurzfilmtage
Windsor - Media City
Sundance Film Festival
Toronto - IMAGES - Independent Film & Video Festival
Hamburg - Int. Kurzfilm-Festival & No Budget
Vila do Conde - Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens
Odense - Int. Film Festival
Cannes - Festival de Cannes
Jerusalem - Film Festival
Melbourne - Int. Film Festival
Teplice - Int. Art Film Festival Trencianske
Sao Paulo - Short Film Festival
Zürich - VIDEOEXperimental; Video & Film Festival
Aukland - New Zealand Int. Film Festival
Split - Festival of New Film and Video
Luzern - VIPER - Int. Film-,Video-& Multimedia-Festival
Winterthur - Kurzfilmtage
Utrecht - Impakt Festival
Uppsala - Int. Short Film Festival
London - BFI International Film Festival
Cork - Int. Film Festival
Madrid - Semana de Cine Experimental
Athens - Film Festival
Barcelona - LALTERNATIVA - II Mostra Internacional de Cinema Alternatiu
Regensburg - Kurzfilmwoche
Wiesbaden - exground on screen
Augsburg - Kurzfilmwochenende
Leipzig - Dok Leipzig - Int. Festival für Dok.- u. Animationsfilm
Montréal - Festival International du Nouveau Film et de la Video
Amiens - Festival Int. du Film
Denver - Int. Film Festival
Aix-en-Provence - Festival Tous Courts
New York - Expo of Short Film & Video
Strasbourg - Forum du Cinema Européen
Manchester Int. Short Film & Video Festival
Clermont-Ferrand - Festival de Court Metrage
Rotterdam - Int. Filmfestival
Graz - Diagonale, Festival des Österreichischen Films
Nantucket - Film Festival
Chicago Underground Film Festival
Stuttgart - Filmwinter, Expanded Media Festival
Bamberg - Kurzfilmtage
Istanbul - Int. Short Film Festival
Dresden - Filmfest
Singapore International Film Festival
Wiesbaden - exground on screen
Triest - Alpe Adria Cinema - Film Festival
Osnabrück - EMAF - European Media Art Festival
Ann Arbor - Film Festival
Tokyo - Image Forum Festival
Brisbane - Int. Film Festival
Saarbrücken - Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis
Hong Kong - Int. Film Festival