Art & Revolution
Actions by: Günter Brus, Peter Weibel, Otto Muehl, Oswald Wiener,
Direct Art Group (Otmar Bauer, Dieter Haupt, Josef Kainz/"Anastas", Franz Kaltenbäck, Herbert Stumpfl, Malte Olschewski/"Laurids")
Experimental documentary film about the famous happening at the University of Vienna, including brief shots from the event at the same time, which led to press attacks in the Austrian mass media for months against Viennese Actionism, and a jury trial, in which Otto Muehl and Günther Brus were sentenced to prison and which also led to Oswald Wiener´s emigration.
To counteract the myth of the event at the same time, the original material is combined with sequences from the "material-action nr. 54" by Otto Muehl and a film about how to keep dogs. (E.S.jr.)
(This film is part of Schmidt´s 20 Action and Destruction Films.)