Nils Olger

Nils Olger is a filmmaker and artist, lives in Vienna. Studied postconceptual art, new media and social work. Involved in film, political, editorial, and performance collectives. An Iron Box is his first feature-length documentary.
Filmography: Los hacedores de teatro/Die Theatermacher, doc, co-directed with Gin Müller, Edwarda Gurrola, 2010 // Doktor Miyagis Geheimnis, short, with Julia Kläring, 2006 // I went to work today, I don´t think I´ll go tomorrow, short, co-directed with Julia Kläring, 2005 // Sve sto je lepo, daju ljudima da vide, short documentary, together with Veronika Brandt, 2005 //, doc, co-directed with Martin Gössler, Martin Kahofer, Martina Nowak, 2002 // Widerstand, short documentary, 2000 // Förster, sort documentary, 2000
Awards (selection):
2016 outstanding artist award, Bundeskanzleramt //
2016 Theodor-Körner-Preis // 2015 Kurzfilmwettbewerb 1945–2015, Institut für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark und ORF Steiermark // 2008 Emanuel und Sofie Fohn Stipendium