Thomas Renoldner
* 1960, Austria
Born 1960 in Linz, Upper Austria. 1979-83 studied psychology and educational theory at the universities in Innsbruck and Salzburg. 1989-94 studied painting and animation film at the Academy of Applied Arts / Vienna. 1994 Diploma film "Rhythm 94".
Since the age of sixteen work in the areas of music, painting, film, installation and performance. Numerous personal experimental and animated films and some commercials.
Atemnot / Shortness of Breath (Super 8, 1980)
Kobbla Mamfred (Super 8, 1981)
Sie haben 15 Sekunden Zeit, etwas besonders Wichtiges zu sagen / You have 15 seconds time to say something extremely important (Super 8, 1982)
Die Begrenzungslinien der Projektionsfläche / The borders of the projection screen (Super 8, 1983)
Il carnevale (Super 8, 1984)
Sehnsucht: Wildnis / Desire: Wilderness (Feature length movie with Florian Flicker, Harald Krassnitzer, Astrid Scheirl, Markus Brandt, u.v.a.) Warten Sie auf etwas Besonderes? / Are you waiting for something special? (Super 8, 1985)
Filmplastik / Film Sculpture (approx. 20 versions; triple Super 8 installation, 1987)
Das Fenster / The window (Super 8, 1987) Der Dialog / The Dialogue – between film & reality (16mm film performance, 1987)
Haus / Frau // House / Woman (Super 8, 1989)
Shark in the City (Super 8, 1989)
Ein Schlag zuviel / Too many strokes (16mm, 1989)
Struktur / Auflösung // Structure / Dissolution (16mm, 1989)
Würfel / Cubes (16mm, 1990)
Bunt / Colorful (16mm, 1991)
Lonely Cowboy in 1992 (16mm, 1992)
Rhythmus 94 / Rhythm 94 (35mm, 1994)
Picnic in the green (16mm, 1996)
Hiroshima.August.92 (16mm, 1997)
Zeit Raum / Time Space (16mm, 1997)
SC01 - Belo Horizonte.April.97 (16mm, 1998)
Sophia´s Year (35mm, 1998)
Sunny Afternoon (digital/35mm, 2012)
Fuck the Cancer! (digital, 2016)
DON'T KNOW (digotal, 2020)