Roma Cinema XXI selects two sixpackfilms

International premieres of the recent shorts of Arash T. Riahi (That has been bothering me the whole Time) and Siegfried Fruhauf (Still Dissolution) at the upcoming Roma Cinema XXI Festival

Tributes to Johann Lurf and Claudia Larcher at Viennale 2013

Vienna’s International Film Festival Viennale dedicates two of the tributes to Austrian experimental film artists Johann Lurf and Claudia Larcher

2 sixpackfilms in Leipzig

Leipzig Doc and Animation Film Festival selected two titles from sixpackfilm. Elektro Moskva by Dominik Spritzerndorfer and Elena Tikhonova celebretes it’s german premiere in the doc-section, trespass by Paul Wenninger has been selected into the Animation Competition !

Siegfried Fruhauf Special @ Uppsala Short Film Festival

“Uppsala International Short Film Festival”:ttp:// dedicates this year’s special to Austrian Film- & Media-Artist Siegfried Fruhauf with Exhibition and a screening of selected film.

Focus on Michaela Grill @ ACF London

Thursday 3 October 2013, 7.00pm | Austrian Cultural Forum London
The ACF’s Cineclub presents a selection of works by Michaela Grill, one of Austria’s most prominent exponents in digital art.

FAHRTWIND ab 27.September im Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus

ab Freitag, 27.9.2013 im neuen Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus: Fahrtwind – Aufzeichnungen einer Reisenden, ein Film von Bernadette Weigel. Grosser Diagonalepreis für Dokumentarfilm 2013 + Auszeichnungen für beste Kamera, Schnitt und Musik
Absolut sehenswert!!!

Peter Tscherkassky & Eve Heller @ Slovenska Kinoteka

Peter Tscherkassky and Eve Heller are invited to rpesent their works at Ljubljana’s Slovenska Kinoteka on september 24th.

Don't miss !!! – Vertical Cinema @ KONTRASTE KREMS, 12.10.2013

World premiere of an exiting cinema project: Vertical Cinema, a series of newly commissioned large-scale works by international renowned experimental filmmakers and audiovisual artists like Joost Rekveld, Tina Frank, Billy Roisz, Johann Lurf, Manuel Knapp, Makino Takashi, Telcosystems a.o.
part of Kontraste Krems in collaboration with Sonic Acts. DON’T MISS IT !

10 Jahre Filmförderung / Erfolge und Defizite

Bei der Diagonale 2013 wurde eine Recherche zu
10 Jahren Filmförderung mit ersten Kommentaren vorgestellt. Brigitta Burger-Utzer von sixpackfilm hat an der Analyse mitgearbeitet. Hier das Recherche-Dokument


Outstanding Artists Awards by the Austrian Ministry for Education, Culture & Arts went to Gabriele Mathes in the category “Experimental Film” and to Andreas Horvath in the category “Documentary Film”. Congratgulations !!!!!