Living Collection
Wed Jan. 29, 2025, 20:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus, Neuer Saal

Monotony and its beautiful interruptions.
Pause. Unintended rituals and little habits. Play.

“Playlist” shows a compilation of video and film works from the sixpackfilm archive that deal with routines and everyday processes in a broader sense.

The film program was developed by Leon Cholmakow, Wendelin Haas, Yuxiao Jiang, Morten Johannsen…

Fri Feb. 28, 2025, 21:00 h
Stadtkino Wien / Metro KinoKulturhaus

A small gas stove ignites and provides warmth. In Helin Çelik’s ANQA, a history of violence, biographies of women, and the depiction of a personal “safe zone” are closely interwoven. The “safe zone” are apartment spaces in which three women from the Middle East, who have experienced abuse and domestic violence …

Talking Screen
Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Mon March 10, 2025, 19:00 h
Künstlerhaus Factory

coming soon!