Apocalypse Now!

Wed Oct. 20, 2010, 19:00 h

Relationship constellations after the apocalypse: in The Golden Foretaste of Heaven, Richard Wilhelmer lets prototypical science fiction characters wander through a catastrophe scenario in search of salvation and great love. Real actors act in a fantastic world animated from over 1000 photos and play with the genre's own clichés.

In CRASH SITE / My_Never_Ending_Burial_Plot, Constanze Ruhm draws on the fundus of modern cinema. Female characters from Antonioni, Godard and Tarkovsky come together in a forest clearing and try to dig a grave for themselves, their roles and film history. Caught in endless loops, the characters repeatedly break out into other genres such as the musical or slapstick comedy. The end of the world has rarely been so much fun. (Michaela Grill)

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Apocalypse Now! (Image)