The opulence of reduction

Wed April 21, 2010, 19:00 h

To reduce means to reduce something to a correct measure. In the world of digital image production, this unit of measurement could be the individual pixel. The videos assembled here work precisely with this smallest component of the perceptible image and its effects on our perceptual apparatus. The images generated by machines are processed with the help of technical processes such as feedback or physiological processes such as the afterimage. This not only integrates their own creation into the work, but also thematizes possible modes of perception. The challenge to our senses is a pleasurable undertaking here and proves that reduction can often be intoxicatingly opulent. (Michaela Grill)

information of decay~ (Manuel Knapp, AT 2009, 18 min.)
construction 76 (lia, AT/PO 2008, 5 min.)
zart_B (Barbara Doser/Hofstetter Kurt, AT 2010, 7 min.)
TILT (Billy Roisz, AT 2009, 9 min.)
o68 (lia, AT 2008, 6 min.)
frameframer (Barbara Doser, AT 2009, 5 min.)
void.seqz1 (Annja Krautgasser, AT 2008, 4 min.)
bellevue (Michaela Schwentner, AT 2008, 9 min.)
stroboscopic noise~ (Manuel Knapp, AT 2009, 10 min.)

anschließend Gespräch mit den anwesenden Künstler:innen

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

Foto aus o68
