Oceanul Mare

Wed Feb. 24, 2010, 19:00 h

"In the ocean, it's like this: big fish eat small fish. The business ocean means it's very hard and heavy. If you're not careful, you'll get eaten and drown in the ocean! If you succeed, you are a sail that sails across the ocean like a triumphant sailboat!"

At the center of Oceanul Mare are three Chinese immigrants in Bucharest in the early nineties. The film follows their footsteps through the Romanian metropolis and their various connections to Europe's largest Chinese market on the outskirts of Bucharest.

Copony accompanies the protagonists through episodes in their everyday and business environment, which is characterized by strong contrasts, and tells of being foreign, of cultural shifts and the challenge of immersing oneself in the unknown and constantly reinventing oneself in the process.

Oceanul Mare (Katharina Copony, AT/DE/RO 2009, Video, 80 min.)

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

anschließend Gespräch mit Katharina Copony

Oceanul Mare (Image)