Essays as a political statement

Wed Jan. 13, 2010, 19:00 h

First and foremost, the two videos use documentary strategies that make the reality of structural, global violence tangible without images of the misery of the exploited and excluded. They use an essayistic method that questions the factual circumstances with poetically fictional narratives.

In Forst, a forest becomes a place of exile; refugees who must exist in hiding, invisible in the thicket, audible only as voices. However, the seclusion of the forest is not only a prison, it is also used to form opposition and plans for liberation.

Paradise Later follows in the tradition of literary adaptations of Joseph Conrad's "The Heart of Darkness", whose more than 100-year-old text excerpts form the commentary of a possible contemporary businessman in a low-wage country. Self-critical and accusatory, he muses on the sacrifices that have to be made, traveling down a river in a slum on the other side of the world. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)

Forst (Ascan Breuer, Ursula Hansbauer, Wolfgang Konrad / in collaboration with Ben Pointeker, Julia Lazarus, Clemens Stachel & wr, 2004, 50 min.)
Paradise Later (Ascan Breuer / in collaboration with Victor Jaschke, 2009, 13 min.)

Publikumsgespräch mit Ascan Breuer

ein Programm von sixpackfilm
