Screaming City: West-Berlin in the 1980s

Wed Nov. 18, 2009, 19:00 h

In the decade before the fall of the Wall, a large number of films were made in West Berlin that dealt with life in the enclosed city in a special way. The "showcase of the free West" subsidised by the Federal Republic had become an island for all those who wanted to experience themselves without economic pressure and express themselves by any means. They were no longer committed to the world revolution, but instead pushed for the realisation of alternative ways of life between the nuclear end times and domestic warfare, queerness, punk and drugs.

The programme shows a selection of experimental and documentary short films that goes back to the film series Wer sagt denn, dass Beton nicht brennt, hast Du's probiert? curated by Stefanie Schulte Strahaus and Florian Wüst, which took place at Berlin's Arsenal cinema in 2006 and was followed last year by a book with the same title published by b_books.

Normalzustand (Yana Yo, 1981, 3 Min.)
Musterhaft - das ende, ein Intermezzo (Michael Brynntrup, 1985, 8 Min.)
Neue Heimat (Ebba Jahn, 1982, 15 Min.)
Persona Non Grata (Christoph Doering, 1981, 16 Min.)
a-b-city (Brigitte Bühler/Dieter Hormel, 1985, 8 Min.)
Cycling the Frame (Cynthia Beatt, 1988, 28 Min.)
Naturkatastrophenkonzert (Die Tödliche Doris, 1983, 3 Min.)

im Anschluss Gespräch mit dem Kurator Florian Wüst

image CYCLING THE FRAME // Cynthia Beatt