
Wed Oct. 14, 2009, 19:00 h

Is the uncanny inscribed in the images themselves or is it produced exclusively from the components that make up a film, i.e. visual elements, sounds and ultimately the narrative motifs?
Strange apparitions in the sky, a deliberate pan through an unsuspicious house, the scan of a shadowy object, fleeting, dream-like images from the stage between sleep and wakefulness: all the films and videos collected here are characterized by moments of uncertainty of perception and irritations of our conventional understanding of recordings.
A program of the "ghostly" and "uncertain" behind the images, which are always left with a residue that cannot be fully grasped. (Gerald Weber)

SHU (Blue Hour Lullaby) (Philipp Lachenmann, 2007, 12 min.)
the_future_of_human_containment (Michaela Schwentner, 2002, 5 min.)
In Transit (Reinhold Bidner, 2009, 4 min.)
The Exquisite Hour (Phil Solomon,1989, 14 min.)
B-Star – Untötbar (Sabine Marte, 2009, 7 min.)
HEIM (Claudia Larcher, 2008, 11 min.)
NOT STILL (Billy Roisz, 2007, 10 min.)
Kempinski (Neil Beloufa, 2007,14min.)

im Anschluss Gespräch mit den anwesenden Filmemacher:innen 

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

uncertain (Image)