About breast-fiddling and other bodily games

Wed April 15, 2009, 19:00 h

One's own or another's body as a playful field of agitation is the central theme of this program. Arendt and Swiczinsky use animation in very different ways to counter classical stagings of femininity with self-sufficient and fluid body structures. Sackl, Kren and Marte struggle with themselves and with irritation. While Marte plays with the dummy Bill, Kren tries to recite three letters from Groucho Marx fluently. Sackl, on the other hand, sits in front of his TV set and lets us watch it in compressed form. Roberts and Gottheim also perform. The former dashes perfectly choreographed through a Vienna presented here in a multifaceted and urban way. Gottheim, on the other hand, sits in a car and performs a duet with the wind in a visibly good mood. Animated film made from photographs of four friends and a dead pig is how Blackout dryly outlines their film, which anticipates the techniques of current music videos and advertising clips. (Dietmar Schwärzler)

That's what's fishy (Janina Arendt, 2008, 6 min.)
Lezzieflick (Nana Swiczinsky, 2008, 7 min.)
Television film (Albert Sackl, 1997, 13 min.)
29/ 73 Ready Made (Kurt Kren,1973,13 min.)
Finale (Sabine Marte, 2007, 4 min.)
CORNERS (Derek Roberts, 2008, 10 min.)
Harmonica (Larry Gottheim/Shelley Berde, 1970 -71, 11 min.)
The Birth of Venus (Moucle Blackout,1970-72, 5min.)

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

im Anschluss Gesoräch mit den anwesenden Filmemacher:innen