Gabriele Mathes / Astrid Ofner

Fri March 7, 2008, 20:00 h
Stadtkino Wien

One million credit is normal, says my grandfather (Gabriele Mathes, 2006, 23 min.)
"... Above all Gabriele Mathes' One million credit is normal says my Grandfather, an oppressive autobiographical essay that uses home movies from the sixties to the eighties and quasi-proto-colloquial off-screen commentary to tell a family story that is essentially characterised by economic catastrophes. At times Mathes dispenses with visual illustration altogether - the power and beauty of her film lies not least in what is not said and, above all, not shown." (Christian Cargnelli, Falter)

Tell me Tuesday (Astrid Ofner, 2007, 26 min.)
"Astrid Ofner's film, shot on Super 8, combines heartbreakingly intimate letter passages between Kafka and Milena with fleeting images of Vienna today. With marvellous ease, the camera roams through the city, to the banks of the Danube, out to Kritzendorf. The result is a lyrical film poem through whose images you can literally feel the breath, not to say the heartbeat, of the filmmaker. Music by Anton Webern bursts out between the texts, but then immediately 'ducks away' under the images..." (Michael Omasta, Falter)

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