Humour me!

Wed Jan. 14, 2009, 19:00 h

As an audience, we expect to be entertained: Müller/Giradet only show us the look on the faces of the viewers. Without revealing the source of the entertainment, they look at a landscape of laughter, dismay and boredom. These emotions are not alien to the Austrian conscripts on the border with Hungary. Zdesar hands them the camera to document their everyday lives. Bruch/Condin, on the other hand, open up the view of Bruch's living space, which is tailored to his illness-related needs, and prove that humor really does have something liberating about it. With subtle wit, Dabernig's protagonists perform their timeless activities in calm camera angles, while Machacek shows us how much fun it is to move in front of and with the camera. Finally, Land proves self-deprecatingly that avant-garde films can also be funny. Let the good times roll! (Michaela Grill)

Play (Matthias Müller, Christoph Giradet, D 2003, 7min. 20)
Hotel Roccalba (Josef Dabernig, A 2008, 10 min.) (Martin Bruch, Reinhilde Condin, A 2008, 10 min.)
In the Mix (Jan Machacek, A 2008, 4 min.)
Pictures from the diary of a waiting person (Judith Zdesar, A 2007, 23 min.)
On The Marriage Broker Joke As Citied By Sigmund Freud In Wit And Its Relation To The Unconscious Or Can The Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed? (Owen Land, USA 1980, 17 min.)

in Anwesenheit einiger Künstler:innen 

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

Humour me! (Image)