
Wed Jan. 29, 2025, 20:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus, Neuer Saal

Monotony and its beautiful interruptions.
Pause. Unintended rituals and little habits. Play.

“Playlist” shows a compilation of video and film works from the sixpackfilm archive that deal with routines and everyday processes in a broader sense.

The film program was developed by Leon Cholmakow, Wendelin Haas, Yuxiao Jiang, Morten Johannsen, Alissa Kail, Florentin Kurz, Enno Limmer, Leo Stock, Lorenz Sutter, Viktor Szeberin, Luka Vidak and Katharina Wimmer.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmake Josephine Ahnelt.

Metro Kinokulturhaus
Johannesgasse 4, 1010 Vienna

Tickets: or 01-512 18 03 or online:

Filmstill: Josephine Ahnelt: WASSER AUS KORN

An event in collaboration between sixpackfilm and Filmarchiv Austria in cooperation with the University of Arts, Linz, under the guidance of Kathrin Wojtowicz.

Playlist (Image)