Watching & being Watched!

Wed April 16, 2008, 19:00 h

I look in the mirror and see myself. I look through the camera and see someone else. I look into the camera, what do I see? These three parameters can be used to outline the films in this program, the common thread of which is the staging of the self or the other.

Kren and Muhr portray the travesty artists Dame Edna and Lucy McEvil, while Scheirl/Pürrer celebrate lustful costuming in a pop music video from an almost private perspective. Kubelka and Heller's gaze is directed outwards: 170 male gazes, which are juxtaposed with an erotic encounter in the Hotel Orient, meet passers-by whom Heller films through a glass window of a café, thus opening up different perspectives. Sackl and Petschnig, on the other hand, put their own sexualized bodies on display, showing partially fetishized versions of the self. Steyerl then embarks on a multifaceted search for a detail of her biography, namely bondage photographs for which she posed as a model in 1987. (Dietmar Schwärzler)

47/91 A feast (Kurt Kren, 1991, 3 min.)
An inflatable boat with oysters (Hans Scheirl/Ursula Pürrer,1985, 3 min.)
Lonely at the Top (Wolfgang Muhr, 2006, 12 min.)
STEIFHEIT I+II (Albert Sackl, 1997-2007, 6 min.)
Untitled (Friedl Kubelka, 1981-2000, 5 min.)
Astor Place (Eve Heller, 1997, 10 min.)
Minnie (Maria Petschnig, 2008, 5 min.)
Lovely Andrea (Hito Steyerl, 2007, 30 min.)

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

in Anwesenheit einiger KünstlerInnen 

Bild Hans Scheierl/Ursula Pürrer, Ein Schlauchboot mit Austern
