Films from a Dark Room – Films by Peter Tscherkassky

Wed Feb. 13, 2008, 19:00 h

Cult worldwide - and yet almost never seen at home: the hand-copied film artworks of the Viennese Peter Tscherkassky. Here now in a complete package: six found footage works from the darkroom! And a premiere of a special kind: the screening of the psychoanalytically inspired work Parallel Space: Inter-View, for the first time in the original 35mm format in which the film was made in 1992 with a camera (!).

Tscherkassky painstakingly collages his films image by image from a wide variety of sources using an elaborate copying technique. After premieres in places like Cannes and New York, the world of fine art is now discovering the artist's films: they can be seen at the documenta, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and soon in the Louvre. Since 2006, the retrospectives have been accompanied by large-format light boxes with works on celluloid, which, after several international exhibitions, can now be discovered for the first time in Vienna - at the Galerie nächst St. Stephan. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 

Manufraktur (1985, 35mm, s/w, 3 min.)
Parallel Space: Inter-View (1992, 35mm, s/w, 18 min.)
Get Ready (1999, 35mm CinemaScope, s/w, 1 min.)
L’Arrivée (1998, 35mm CinemaScope, s/w, 2 min.)
Outer Space (1999, 35mm CinemaScope, s/w, 10 min.)
Dream Work (2001, 35mm CinemaScope, s/w, 11 min.)
Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine (2005, 35mm CinemaScope, s/w, 17 min.)

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

in Anwesenheit von Peter Tscherkassky

Foto Petter Tscherkassky Dream Work

Ausstellung „From a Dark Room“ 18. 1. – 23. 2. 2008
in der Galerie nächst St. Stephan / Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Grünangergasse 1/2, 1010 Wien