From Hernals to Simmering

Wed Sept. 12, 2007, 19:00 h

"For us, Simmering is not just the 11th district. Simmering stands for a way of life." The text insert at the beginning of the film testifies to an attitude, as does the return of the slow zoom-in: Alexander Schukoff and Reinhard Kofler encounter the suburb of Simmering, its pubs, ghettos, concrete housing estates; the vegetable market, the marshalling yard and the people who work here, with gentle affection.
The elegiac portrait of Simmering, which has not been shown for a long time, forms the starting point for a journey to "the other side" of Vienna. As in Alfred Kubin's fantastic novel, a subway train (46/90 Falter 2) leads to places that resemble familiar ones - the Prater (P.R.A.T.E.R.) or the Albern harbor (May 15, 1966) - and yet are different. Everyday Viennese life in the context of the avant-garde, space in discontinuous cuts, familiar images from another time. (Maya McKechneay)

Simmering (Alexander Schukoff/Reinhard Kofler, 1978/79, 27 min.)
46/90 Falter 2 (Kurt Kren, 1990, 30 sec.)
P.R.A.T.E.R. (Ernst Schmidt Jr., 1963-66, 21 min.)
15. May 1966 (Ernst Schmidt Jr., 1966, 11 min.)
The sweet number (VALIE EXPORT, 1969, 7 min.)
Vienna 17, Schumanngasse (Hans Scheugl, 1967, 3 min.)
Hernals (Hans Scheugl,1967, 11 min.)
49/95 thousandyearscinema (Kurt Kren,1995, 2 min. 40 sec.)

Gespräch nach der Vorführung

ein Programm von sixpackfilm
