A Sixpack Space Odyssee

Wed June 20, 2007, 19:00 h

A glance out of the compartment window, a moment of doubt: is it us, or is it the neighboring train? Thomas Fuerhapter's subway puzzle Planes or Turk/Stöger's dizzying desert panorama paradox_paradise may have been inspired by everyday life's minor loss of orientation. The feeling of losing one's own, imagined point of view is uncanny, be it that - as here - the wind blows the view away in the sand. Or that the light can only hint at a space, as in Ben Pointeker's study in black ...... ...::...::::ccccoCCoooo:: But perhaps it is precisely the light that - from impossible angles - leads us astray: Manuel Knapp's visibility of interim~ gives and deprives us of a foothold in the constant flow of coordinates: We relate, assess, want to know where we are. Even if it's just a movie. Who likes to get lost? (Maya McKechneay)

. ..... .::::::::ccccoCCoooooooo:: (Ben Pointeker, 2007, 9 min.)
visibility of interim~ (Manuel Knapp, 2007, 13 min.)
overfahrt (Ben Pointeker, 1999, 6 min.)
Planes (Thomas Fuerhapter, 2006, 4 min.)
In  Glasergasse (Flora Watzal, 1999, 6 min.)
Paths of G (Dietmar Offenhuber, 2005, 1,5 min.)
Parabol (Flora Watzal, 1999, 6 min.)
paradox_paradise (Herwig Turk, Günter Stöger, 2005, 28 min.)

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

in Anwesenheit der Filmemacher:innen 
