Kurt Kren: Structural Films

Tue Dec. 14, 2004, 19:00 h

What Kurt Kren achieved in his first period of work in short cut montage was many years ahead of the rest of the (film) world in terms of both form and content. Kurt Kren was a pioneer: an avant-gardist in the classical and best sense of the word. A filmmaker who knew how to think in images like few others in this profession and who transformed these images into films that are among the "most beautiful" and - if that is important - "most important" in film history. (Peter Tscherkassky)

1/57 Versuch mit synthetischem Ton (Test)
2/60 48 Köpfe aus dem Szondi-Test
3/60 Bäume im Herbst
4/61 Mauern pos.-neg. und Weg
5/62 Fenstergucker, Abfall etc
11/65 Bild Helga Philipp
15/67 TV
17/68 Grün-rot
20/68 Schatzi
28/73 Zeitaufnahmen(n)
31/75 Asyl
32/76 An W+ B36/78 Rischart
37/78 Tree again
38/79 Sentimental Punk
49/95 tausendjahrekino

total length: 65 Min.