City – Country – River

Tue Nov. 16, 2004, 19:00 h

NEWSPAPER ONLY by C. Dertnig and U. Müller deals with daily information overload and the resulting subjective crises.

NIX G ́SCHEITS DRIN by Regina Stefanschitz portrays the daily work of a combative dairymaid without falling into social romanticism.

In CALIFORNIA by Sigmund Steiner, various inhabitants of the town of Thal argue not only about Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born there and has since become politically powerful, but also about the US state itself.

Anna Steininger pursues a policy of mistrust with her own pictures, which she is nevertheless forced to take: Unspectacular street corners in a big city, which are captured with a handheld camera in TERMINAL IDENTITY # 4. As unspectacular as her own ageing, to which she gives a counterpart through image production.

Newspaper Only (Carola Dertnig / Ulrike Müller, A/USA 2003, 1min.)
california (Sigmund Steiner, A 2004, 21min.)
Nix g’scheits drin (Regina Stefanschitz, A 2004, 13 min.)
Terminal Identity #4 (Anna Steininger, A/D 2003, 30min.)