VALIE EXPORT Films & Videos

After initially being met with a great deal of hostility, VALIE EXPORT is now considered one of the most important and influential artists to combine multimedia works and theory with a feminist approach, even in Austria. In 1967 she programmatically chose a pseudonym to symbolically distance herself from the identity and role assigned her as a female artist working in a male-dominated society. The forms she employed to express her ideas range from drawings, sculpture and conceptual photography to installations and performances. Moving images in film and video play a central role in her work, and images and how they are presented in the media were her themes from the very beginning. Her interest in the structure, technology and effect of moving images is juxtaposed with the human body as part of an existence divided between reality and representation. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
Unsichtbare Gegner / Invisible Adversaries (1977, 16mm/DCP/File, bw & col, 110 min)
Die Praxis der Liebe / The Practice of Love (1984/85, 35mm/DCP/File, col, 90 min)
Selbstportrait mit Kopf /Self-Portrait with Head (1966/67, File, bw, silent, 4 min)
TAPP und TASTKINO (1968 restaged for ORF, File, bw, 2 min)
Hauchtext: Liebesgedicht / Breath Text: Love Poem (1970 – 73, File, bw, 2 min)
Raumsehen und Raumhören / Space-Seeing – Space Hearing (1973/74, file, bw, 6 min)
Hyperbulie (1973, file, bw, 7 min)
Delta. Ein Stück / Delta. A Performance (1976/77, File, bw, 18 min)
the voice as performance, act and body (2007, File, col, 11 min)
…Remote…Remote… (1973, 16mm/DCP/File, col, 10 min)
Mann & Frau & Animal / Man & Woman & Animal (1970-73, 16mm/DCP/File, col, 8 min)
Adjungierte Dislokationen /Adjunct Dislocations (1973, File, bw, silent, 10 min)
i turn over the pictures of my voice in my head (2009, File, col, 12 min)
Ein perfektes Paar oder die Unzucht wechselt ihre Haut / Lust (1986, File, col, 12 min)
Interrupted Line (1971/72, 16mm/DCP/File, bw, 9 min)
Syntagma (1983, 16mm/DCP/File, col, 18 min)
Bookings for 4 programs: € 1.000,-- (1.300,-- with a repeat)
Rental fees are without 10% VAT
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