The External World

Wed Nov. 21, 2012, 19:00 h

Every system is integrated into superordinate systems; the psychological systems of individuals interact to a greater or lesser extent with social systems. The films in this program describe different systems not as a representation of facts, but as a game played by actors whose motives are called into question.

Edith Stauber uses the everyday situation of a waiting room in an outpatient clinic for her critical and humorous analysis by means of close observation. In Play Life Series, Ella Raidel exposes the stereotypes of Chinese soap operas and sheds light on longings conveyed by the media. The brilliantly crafted puppet animation The Back Room is in the tradition of the symbolist drama of an individual planning their liberation. The fact that the exchange relationships of the economic system are currently getting out of hand is something we have to experience on a daily basis.

In Oliver Ressler and Zanny Begg's The Bull Laid Bear, experts explain that their complexity is only artificially propagated in order to keep the system closed. The animated parts speak an even clearer language of exploiters who lull themselves into a sense of security. In the titular computer animation spectacle by David O'Reilly, comic figures, little monsters, talking animals or body parts that have come to life stumble through crazy, evil, even nightmarish short stories in a surreal and destructive world.

Nachbehandlung (Edith Stauber, AT 2012, 11 min.)
Play Life Series (Ella Raidel, AT 2012, 11 min.)
The Back Room (Mirjam Baker, Michael Kren, AT 2011, 6 min.)
The Bull Laid Bear (Oliver Ressler / Zanny Begg, AT 2012, 24 min.)
The External World (David O’Reilly, DE 2010, 15 min.)
