Retrospectives ! Retrospectives !

In the coming weeks, a number of filmmakers represented by sixpackfilm will be receiving extensive tributes at various international festivals.

The first will be Eve Heller and Peter Tscherkassky at the Thessaloniki Film Festival (–> 3.-13.11.22) – Unfortunately, the master classes had to be cancelled at short notice due to health reasons. The film programs will be shown, of course.
The prestigious Short Film Festival Winterthur (–> 8.-13.11.22) in Switzerland dedicates an extensive special to Kurdwin Ayub, presenting a selection of her short films as well as the award-winning documentary PARADISE ! PARADISE !.
Last not least Ruth Beckermann will be shown for the first time in Italy with a comprehensive overview of her work at the Filmmakers Festival in Milan (–> 18.-27.11.22), including a master class by the grand dame of Austrian documentary filmmaking.

nach der Viennale auf in die Kinos !!!

Gleich nach dem Festivalreigen beginnt die intensive Kinozeit: dringend empfohlen und nicht zu verpassen:

IT WORKS II von Fridolin Schönwiese, ab 4. November österreichweit -> filmdelights

UNCOMFORTABLY COMFORTABLE von Maria Petschnig, NUR am 4. November NUR im BSL Breitenseer Lichtspiele, Wien --> BSL

MUTZENBACHER von Ruth Beckermann, ebenfalls ab 4. November österreichweit  --> filmladen

ELFRIEDE JELINEK - DIE SPRACHE VON DER LEINE LASSEN von Claudia Müller, Kinopremiere am 8. November, danach österreichweit --> Polyfilm

NICHTS NEUES von Lennart Hüper, NUR am 9. November im Metro KinoKulturhaus (Living Collection sixpackfilm) --> mehr

PARA:DIES von Elena Wolff in Kollaboration mit Julia Windischbauer, am 12. und 14. November im Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, Wien --> mehr

nach der Viennale auf in die Kinos !!!

"Announcements from Another World" - Tribute to Gudrun Krebitz at the Uppsala International Shortfilm Festival

The International Short Film Festival in Uppsala / Sweden dedicates a tribute to Austrian artist Gudrun Krebitz. Krebitz's works deftly weave drawn animation and multilayered collages into visual poems that oscillate between dreams, memories and visions. Her films are intoxicatingly ambiguous and at the same time personally and emotionally direct. It is the first such comprehensive show of the artist in the framework of a festival. --> Uppsala Shortfilm Festival - 24.-30.10.2022

"Announcements from Another World" - Tribute to Gudrun Krebitz at the Uppsala International Shortfilm Festival

Austrian Art Awards 2022 for Christiana Perschon and Lisl Ponger

Christiana Perschon (photo) receives this year's Austrian Art Award for Film. The focus of her work is the development of an "other gaze" that undermines a traditional, male, heteronormative gaze regime and redefines the relationship between woman behind and in front of the camera, between looking and being looked at: In pointed short film portraits as well as in her internationally acclaimed feature film debut She is the other gaze (2018), we encounter female artists from earlier generations, while Perschon also reflects their specific media, approaches, and modes of artistic expression on a formal level. Bildwerden, the most recent work from this groupy of films, will soon celebrate its premiere at the Viennale.

Lisl Ponger, founding member of sixpackfilm and represented in our program with central film works such as Semiotic Ghosts, Passages, or Phantom Foreign Vienna, is awarded the Art Award in the category of Artistic Photography.

We are very happy for both artists and congratulate all other award winners!

Austrian Art Awards 2022 for Christiana Perschon and Lisl Ponger

Outstanding Artist Award 2022 for Ella Raidel

Ella Raidel is this year's recipient of the Austrian Ministry for Culture's (BMKÖS) Outstanding Artist Award in the category of feature and documentary film.

We happily quote from the jury's statement: "Raidel is an artist who consistently and continuously works at the interface between performative art, documentary film and fiction. Her protagonists are rigorously woven into composed images. They wander between tradition, modernity and the future, through grown cities and replicas, through condemned buildings and postmodern experience culture. (...) Individual narratives, commentaries and historical references merge ontologically with the architecture to form a mental image. In the process, a new, open cinema emerges. A cinema that reflects on the conventions of filmmaking across genres and disciplines." Exemplified most recently in A Pile of Ghosts, which approaches the construction boom in China from an unusual perspective and takes us into ghost towns; this film is still on its international festival tour and has just won the Award of Excellence at the Tokyo Image Forum Festival.

sixpackfilm sends heartfelt congratulations to Ella, whose work we have been accompanying as distributor for many years, and of course to all other award winners as well.

Foto: B. Holub

Outstanding Artist Award 2022 for Ella Raidel

DocLisboa 2022 - International Premiere of ELFRIEDE JELINEK – LANGUAGE UNLEASHED

ELFRIEDE JELINEK - LANGUAGE UNLEASHED, portrait film of the famous Austrian writter by director Claudia Müller, awarded the FIPRESCI Prize at the Munich Film Festival, will celebrate its international premiere at the upcoming DocLisboa (6.-16.10.2022) ––>

DocLisboa 2022 - International Premiere of ELFRIEDE JELINEK – LANGUAGE UNLEASHED

„Wie kommt die Kunst zum Film? Wie kommt der Film zur Kunst?“

Filmschau und Panel

Samstag, 10. September 2022
METRO Kinokulturhaus
Johannesgasse 41010 Wien
freier Eintritt / Zählkarten an der Kassa

In Kooperation mit der Kunstmesse viennacontemporary (8. bis 11. September 2022 im Wiener Kursalon) veranstaltet die Akademie des Österreichischen Films am 10. September im METRO Kinokulturhaus einen Tag zur Schnittstelle von Kunst und Film. Gezeigt werden Filme, die einen Kontext zur (bildenden) Kunst haben und/oder deren Filmemacher:innen sich als Vertreter:innen beider Welten sehen. 

Details zum Programm

„Wie kommt die Kunst zum Film? Wie kommt der Film zur Kunst?“

Katrina Daschner - in Person at Filmmuseum - September 15, 2022

Katrina Daschner's film and video work is opulent, carnivalesque, and visionary. In a multilayered mix combining different artistic forms and media, Daschner exhausts the possibilities offered by the New Burlesque for gallantry, masquerade, resistance, eccentricity, and a love of surfaces and objects. She creates a cosmos where queer is experienced as a collective utopia spanning styles and genres and transcending the concerns of queer subjectivity. In this iridescent, fleshy, and intersectional universe that is always a stage, she charges "queer" with the identity-disintegrating power at the historical roots of the experiment: sexual desire as a desire for changes in the (neo-)liberal, hetero-patriarchal, social order. A significant share of this power is generated by Daschner's LGBTIQ+-guided, sex positive artistic community work – as part of the musical performance collective SV DAMENKRAFT (with Sabine Marte, Gin Müller, Christina Nemec) and "CLUB BURLESQUE BRUTAL," which she founded and led from 2009–2014. Like everything she does, her work on film is also extensive – a network of performance, textile, architecture, sculpture, music, and borrowings from early cinema that explodes patriarchal norms, constraints, gazes, and poses. (Katharina Müller / Translation: Ted Fendt)

programin context of the exhibition: "BURN & GLOOM! GLOW & MOON! Thousand Years of Troubled Genders" - Katrina Daschner - at Kunsthalle Wien until october 23,.2022

Katrina Daschner - in Person at Filmmuseum - September 15, 2022

Living Together and 5pm Seaside in competition at Sarajevo Film Festival!

We are very happy to announce invitations to the 28th Sarajevo Film Festival (August 12th-19th 2022) for Thomas Fuerhapter’s documentary feature Zusammenleben / Living Together that takes a close look on intercultural exchange within a specific setting, the so-called “integration courses” in Vienna, and for Valentin Stejskal’s narrative short 5pm Seaside in which two men leave the safe space of their self-chosen isolation to encounter one another.

Heartfelt congrats to the filmmaker’s and their teams – and a great festival to everyone present in Sarajevo!

Living Together and 5pm Seaside in competition at Sarajevo Film Festival!

Brent Klinkum (1960-2022)

Today we receive the very sad news that our longtime friend and fellow member Brent Klinkum passed away quite suddenly while hiking. Brent will be remembered as a passionate person, brimming with wit, who loved cinema culture in all its formulations. In 2012, with great esprit and an unusual approach, Brent curated the retrospective Breaking Ground for sixpackfilm, an appreciation of Austrian experimental film history over the past 60 years. It is an abrupt departure, very painful for all who knew him. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the relatives and friends.

Brent Klinkum (1960-2022)