sixpackfilm at BERLINALE 2022

We are extremely happy and honoured to contribute to Berlinale 2022 with several world & international premieres: Berlinale Shorts has invited Mo Harawe’s latest narrative short Will My Parents Come to See Me which accompanies a young inmate through the procedures of the Somali justice system, as well as Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg’s experimental short Dirndlschuld, a multi-layered reflection on (more than) one piece of Austrian heritage. Forum Expanded will present vs by Lydia Nsiah, an immersive exploration of the dynamics between time and body in film.
Furthermore Critics' Week will screen Norbert Pfaffenbichler’s 2551.01 as part of a stunning double feature.

Congratulations to the filmmakers and their teams!

🔵 Berlinale Shorts

🔵 Berlinale Forum Expanded

🔵 Critics' Week / Woche der Kritik


sixpackfilm at BERLINALE 2022

A weekend of awards

Several films by sixpackfilm received awards at international festivals last weekend.

Peter Tscherkassky was honoured with the Premio Principado de Asturias for Best Short Film at the Festival Internacional de Cine de Gijon for his latest furious masterpiece Train Again and is now eligible to submit for the Oscar. -->>
Lilith Kraxner and Milena Czernovsky continue their previous success with their first feature film: BEATRIX received an Honorable Mention for its Visual Composition from the International Jury at the Porto/Post/Doc Festival, thus accepting its fourth festival award. -->>
And finally, Nullo by Jan Soldat received the Porny Shorts Award at the Porny Days in Zurich. -->>

Congratulations !

A weekend of awards

BMKOES Austrian Art Award for Film 2021 to Billy Roisz

This year this prestigious award goes to Billy Roisz, a central protagonist of experimental film art: Around the turn of the millennium, her early videos received attention in the context of the "Austrian Abstracts" scene. Since then she has made an international name for herself as a filmmaker, musician and performer, solo and also in diverse collaborations. "Her field is the abstract image, the world of noise music - in dialogue with analog apparati she generates sound and sign clusters in the field of electromagnetic signals." (Maike Mia Höhne)

Billy has been invited to Berlinale Shorts competition three times – with zounk! (2012), darkroom (2014) and THE (with Dieter KovaÄŤiÄŤ, 2015). Her films are regularly screened at many other renowned festivals in Europe, North America and Southeast Asia. In 2018, the Underground Film Festival in Lausanne (LUFF) has dedicated a retrospective to her. Her most recent release to date, quarantine carousel, was made in the global first lockdown 2020.

We look forward to more, more, more from her and congratulate once again on the well-deserved award - and we do not want to miss the occasion to very warmly recommend Billy’s masterclass Who’s Afraid of Colors? at Punto Y Raya festival: Livestream on Saturday, 27.11., at 13.00

BMKOES Austrian Art Award for Film 2021 to Billy Roisz

Two awards at the Duisburger Filmwoche

Uncomfortably Comfortable by Maria Petschnig wins the ARTE Documentary Award, August's Sites by Valérie Pelet wins the "Carte Blanche" Young Talent Award of the State of NRW at the Duisburger Filmwoche. Sincere congratulations to the awardees!

Annemarie Riemer (für Shelly Silver), Maria Petschnig, Christian Becker, Valérie Pelet, Martin Gressmann, Foto: © Thomas Berns 

Two awards at the Duisburger Filmwoche

BEATRIX wins VIENNALE Jury Special Prize

Just great!!
BEATRIX, the debut film of the directing duo Milena Czernovsky and Lilith Kraxner is awarded with the Jury Special Prize of the VIENNALE 2021! Congratulations!

Juyr statement: This film is imbued with the mysterious and original power of cinema; it is a bold act of nonchalance and radical reduction. We see the emptiness of everyday life, Instagram-like situations, but the way the actress appears in these actions, namely oblivious and unabashed, these moments would not actually be suitable for Instagram at all. Instead, cinematographic sensuality and intimacy emerge. Banal activities go beyond themselves: cleaning turns out to be satisfying despite being disgusting; procrastination and social sulking reveal a certain charm. Economically narrated, precisely framed – this is how aesthetic resistance arises.

BEATRIX wins VIENNALE  Jury Special Prize

10 years "Viennale/Erste Bank MehrWERT Prize": Award-winning films as online stream at the Cinema VoD Club

Under the motto "Increasing Beauty", Erste Bank has been awarding the Viennale MehrWERT Prize for 10 years now.

The Kino VoD Club is now showing the award-winning films of these first 10 years online at (AT only).

Including Shirley - Visions of Reality (Gustav Deutsch, 2013), Eden's Edge - Three shorts (Leo Calice & Gerhard Treml, 2014), Moghen paris - and all come along (Katharina Copony, 2016) and L'avenir? de F.v.G.? (Friedl vom Gröller, 2019) there are four films from the sixpackfilm distribution. Enjoy !

10 years "Viennale/Erste Bank MehrWERT Prize": Award-winning films as online stream at the Cinema VoD Club

Camera Austria Award

The biennial Camera Austria Prize for Contemporary Photography of the City of Graz, endowed with € 15.000.-, will be awarded to Belinda Kazeem-KamiĹ„ski in 2021. Warm congratulations!

Camera Austria Award

BMKÖS Outstanding Artist Awards 2021 – CONSTANZE RUHM & JAN SOLDAT

The film and media artist, professor and already longtime companion of sixpackfilm, Constanze Ruhm, receives this year's AUSTRIAN ART PRIZE in the category feature and documentary film.
And we are also very happy for the filmmaker Jan Soldat, represented by us, who for the first time also received an Outstanding Artist award, namely the award for experimental film.
Congratulations to both artists!

BMKÖS Outstanding Artist Awards 2021 – CONSTANZE RUHM & JAN SOLDAT

Ursula Wolschlager (1969 - 2021)

Ursula Wolschlager was one of the good ones. When she spoke up, she always had something to say. She was a fighter for the cause, be it feminist, political or film cultural. And above all, she was also a very warm and open person. We will miss her very much. Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family and friends.

Ursula Wolschlager (1969 - 2021)

2551.01 @ Slash Vienna / Sitges Fantastic Film Festival / Underdox Munich

2551.01 by Norbert Pfaffenbichler appears on the surface to capture the relevant cinema screens:

Look out in Vienna at Slash Film Festival (23.9.–3.10.) -->> / at Sitges' Festival de Cinema Fantàstic (7.–17.10.) -->> / and at the Underdox Filmfest in Munich (7.–13.10.) -->> not to miss this unique and impressive (underground)movie. more-->>

2551.01 @ Slash Vienna / Sitges Fantastic Film Festival / Underdox Munich