Ferry Radax (1932 – 2021)

Ferry Radax is one of the most important representatives of Austrian avant-garde film, but he did not shy away from TV productions or commercials. With MOSAIK IM VERTRAUEN (together with Peter Kubelka, 1955), he presented a milestone in Austrian film history at the age of 23, which takes up narrative forms of feature films and dissects them into their individual parts, among other things through an asynchronous, very adept soundtrack. With SONNE HALT (1959), TESTAMENT (1967), and AM RAND (1961-63), Radax solidified his original signature, which always sought to explore genre boundaries and explode classical categorizations. In particular, his portraits of artists such as Konrad Bayer, H.C. Artmann, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, James Joyce and Thomas Bernhard - DREI TAGE (1970) –>> is one of the best Austrian documentaries - sparkle with inventiveness, wit and visual flair. Composition as a musical process often served as the basic framework of his films. Ferry Radax, who came from photography and in the end mainly painted, was a feisty personality in the best sense of the word, cultivating visions and always working on the unusual. Now he has died on September 09 at the age of 89. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to the relatives.

Ferry Radax (1932 – 2021)

ENDPHASE by Hans Hochstöger awarded at "Jewish Filmfestival Berlin & Brandenburg 2021"

ENDPHASE, Hans Hochstöger’s emphatic and well investigated chronicle of the massacre on 228 jewish forced laborers in Hofamt Priel/AT one week before the end of WW2 has been awarded with the "Prize for Intercultural Dialogue" by the Jury for Documentary Film at this year’s Jewish Filmfestival Berlin and Brandenburg.
Cordial Congratulations to Hans Hochstöger and his team ! MORE

ENDPHASE by Hans Hochstöger awarded at "Jewish Filmfestival Berlin & Brandenburg 2021"

Peter Rehberg (1968 - 2021)

“I have always found that if you want to make something noisy, you have to make something that is harmonic as well. Dissonance and resonance have to co-exist, for the other to work, I think.”

Peter Rehberg, the musician and record-label head of Editions Mego, who was a globally respected figure in underground music, has died unexpected aged 53.
Our deepeest sympathy to his daughter Natasha, Isabelle Piechaczyk, family and friends. Rest in noise.

Foto © Magdalena Blaszczuk

Peter Rehberg (1968 - 2021)

BEATRIX and REAL TIME @ FIDMarseille 19-25 July 2021

BEATRIX, first feature film by Lilith Kraxner and Milena Czernovsky, will celebrate its World Premiere under the sun of Marseille from 19-25 July 2021, in the International Competition, as well as in the Cnap and First film competition.

World Premiere also for Sasha Pirker’s new short film REAL TIME, running in the Flash Competition.

Congratulations to Sasha, Lilith & Milena and their team! We are wishing you all a fantastic time in Marseille. BON VENT!

BEATRIX and REAL TIME @ FIDMarseille 19-25 July 2021

TRAIN AGAIN by Peter Tscherkassky invited to Cannes 53rd Quinzaine des Réalisateurs / Directors' Fortnight 2021

We are thrilled to announce that Train Again by Peter Tscherkassky will celebrate its World Premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, 53rd Directors' Fortnight / Quinzaine des Réalisateurs.Welcome back – It's already Peter's 4th time to present a film at the prestigious festival.


TRAIN AGAIN by Peter Tscherkassky invited to Cannes 53rd Quinzaine des Réalisateurs / Directors' Fortnight 2021

Crossing Europe 2021: Local Artists Award to Norbert Pfaffenbichler

Jubilation goes on ! Norbert Pfaffenbichler's captivating film with the cryptic title 2551.01 has won the Local Artist Award at this year's Crossing Europe Film Festival in Linz - Congratulations to Norbert !

The jury: Laurien Bachmann, Dinko Draganovic and Alenka Maly stated: “A piece of art that tells of a dehumanized world through remorseless visuals between nightmare and apocalypse. In the midst of utter desperation, it lets us hope for the profoundly human through the friendship of two individuals.” ->


Crossing Europe 2021: Local Artists Award to Norbert Pfaffenbichler

Time to celebrate with the VIS awards!

The Austrian Short Film Award went to Jyoti Mistry’s Cause of Death, which qualifies the South African-Austrian coproduction for the Academy Awards® – Documentary Short Subject. 
Letter from a Window  by Nigel Gavus und İlkin Beste Çırak has been rewarded with the ORF.at Audience Award.
Mo Harawe received the Youth Jury Award for his vibrating Life on the Horn.
A special mention of the Animation Avantgarde Jury goes to the exhilarating Frozen Jumper by Tina Frank with music by Peter Rehberg. Congratulations!

List of all awarded films @ VIS including jury statements

Time to celebrate with the VIS awards!

sixpackfilm @ the upcoming (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico in A Coruña (ES)

June 4th, Friday, at 18:30 @ the Galician Cinematheque (Filmoteca de Galicia).

Ernst Schmidt jr.: Art & Revolution, 1968, 16mm, silent, 2 min
Otmar Bauer: Otmar Bauer shows, 1969, 16mm/file, silent, 7 min
Moucle Blackout: Birth of Venus, 1970-1972, 35mm, 5 min
Albert Sackl: STIFFNESS 1-3/7, 2018, 35mm, silent, 9 min 
Mara Mattuschka: Nabel Fabel, 1985, 16mm, 4 min
Kerstin Cmelka: Neurodermitis, 1998, 16mm, silent, 3 min
Maria Lassnig: Couples, 1972, 16mm, 10 min
Ursula Pürrer/ Ashley Hans Scheirl: Super-8 Girl Games, 1985, 16mm/file, 2 min
Hans Scheugl: Prince of Peace, 1993, 16mm, 6 min
Mara Mattuschka: S.O.S Extraterrestria, 1993, 16mm, 10 min
Jason Elvis Parker, Ashley Hans Scheirl: Summer of 95, 1995, 16mm, 13 min
Mara Mattuschka: I have been very pleased, 1987, 16mm, 2 min

sixpackfilm @ the upcoming (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico in A Coruña (ES)

sixpackfilm @ Oberhausen online 2021

Two films in the International Competition, contributions to the MuVi-section and the special program and a distributor's program: once again sixpackfilm is well presented at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival, this year from 1.-5. May 2021 - again as an online edition. We are especially happy, that the new films by Paul Wenninger: O and Josef Dabernig: All the Stops will celebrate their international premieres as part of the International Competition. All informations about the upcoming festival and the programs including sixpackfilm's distributor's selection can be found here.

sixpackfilm @ Oberhausen online 2021

WIND by Martin Putz celebrates its premiere in Nyon

Martin Putz's 30 minutes essay WIND has been invited into the competition program of this year's Vision du Réel in Nyon. Additionally sixpackfilm will participate with selected new films in the market-screenings. You find more informations on the festival's site.

WIND by Martin Putz celebrates its premiere in Nyon