After 25 years of mediation work, sixpackfilm assembles in its collection a rich selection of all genres, represented by more than 1,900 cinematic works, which call out to be shown regularly in various contexts, also in Vienna. One focus of our collection is on the classics of Austrian experimental film, almost all of them are represented. Many of the historical works are now part of the canon of international film or art history and have their permanent place in international cinemas and museums. The reopening of the Metro Kinokulturhaus and the intimate atmosphere of the Eric Pleskow Hall animated sixpackfilm to this long-term cooperation with the Filmarchiv Austria. Short feature films, avant-garde films, animations, cinematic essays, documentaries and much that oscillates between the attributions are to be united in individual programs in the Living Collection sixpackfilm series, not neatly separated according to the usual categorizations. Rather, the focus is on the search for thematic contexts, developments, different ways of looking at things and lines of connection, sometimes also in the context of international filmmaking. Historical and contemporary "classics" meet works by filmmakers who have not yet or no longer received the attention they deserve. Socio-political, social and aesthetic questions interact with purely formal experiments. Radical or actionist performances are combined with surreal stories, commissioned works for trailers or TV with abstract beauties. A lively montage, not a fixation of a history of masterpieces. The unifying element in all the films and videos is their distinctive, idiosyncratic visual grammar. When we offer a personale with works by a filmmaker, a mediated conversation with the artist will introduce their themes and cinematic realization to the audience. Otherwise, the film event will be accompanied by a short introduction every month on a Monday. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
In Color
Mon Oct. 14, 2024, 20:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus, Eric-Pleskow-Saal

Color is more than just visual appeal - it’s a language of emotion. It shapes how we perceive stories, evokes interconnectedness or dissonance and guides our emotional response. These six films show us a wide approach to color in film by building narrative layers, symbolizing inner conflicts, and manipulating our sense of time. Whether throu…

Balkan Dreams/Balkan Realities
Wed March 27, 2024, 20:30 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Four cinematic quests for traces that read and interpret the signs of war: Elke Groen's TITO-MATERIAL is based on a very specific film find from a destroyed cinema in Mostar; the damaged reel shows weathered images of the former marshal, which are given a new form of materiality by means of reconstruction. In her essay, Nina Kusturica reconstructs…

Bodies and Their Fleeting Parts
Tue Oct. 3, 2023, 20:30 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

A love song to bodies that are transgressive, compulsive, affective, exaggerating, going rogue – bodies that have a certain urge.

In these five short films (plus a bonus track) the bodies are resisting, decaying, in ecstasy, in love, operated on, adorned. They carry knowledge, magic, pain. Noski Deville portrays a queer relationship entangled…

NOTHING NEW – A documentary by Lennart Hüper
Wed Nov. 9, 2022, 19:30 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Following the rescue of over 450 refugees from distress at sea by the crew of the LIFELINE, Captain Claus-Peter Reisch must now stand trial. The ship will remain impounded for the duration of the trial. The calmness of the crew, patiently and eagerly waiting for the moment to set sail, contrasts with the Kafkaesque excesses of European migration p…

And if they have not died, ... (Fairy tales for adults)
Mon Oct. 17, 2022, 19:00 h
Kinokulturhaus, Metro Kino

Fairy tales are a multi-layered medium, they convey messages on a conscious and unconscious level. Thus, they are perceived and understood differently, depending on the personal background of the viewer. In figurative, imaginative language, fairy tale characters often represent states, feelings or other forces of human existence, which make the as…

Dietmar Brehm - Sekundenfalle
Mon April 11, 2022, 19:00 h

Dietmar Brehm, who celebrates his 75th birthday this year, is one of Austria's most distinguished artists. Most recently, in 2020, he was awarded the "Alfred Kubin Prize" by the state of Upper Austria for his extensive Œvre of paintings, drawings and films. Brehm has produced more than 200 cinematic works since the 1970s, initially on Super8…

CHANGE OF DIRECTION – Movement and standstill in cyclic images
Mon March 7, 2022, 19:30 h

Today's film bears little resemblance to its zoetrope beginnings. Nevertheless, there are some that take up the original circulation and render it as a thematic or stylistic aspect. In a variety of ways, RICHTUNGSWECHSEL shows images that draw circles. In doing so, they oscillate between movement and standstill, change and permanence.

Fahrtwind, a…

L’AVENIR? DE F.V.G? - postponed due to lockdown - tba
Mon Feb. 7, 2022, 19:00 h
METRO Kinokulturhaus

Friedl vom Gröller is a photographer and filmmaker, her first film was made in 1968. Since then, she has realized far more than 100 others. On the occasion of her 75th birthday, we take a look back, which is also intended as a look into the future. In the title film of the program L'AVENIR? DE F.V.G?, the latter is read from kauri shells in a…

Looks from women*
Mon Jan. 17, 2022, 18:30 h

We watch films by women* and they watch them: Yes, what then?
The "Views by Women*" programme brings together different ways of looking. Here, female* filmmakers attempt to present their personal, unbiased perspective on the world. Many of these views are not based on film conventions. New perspectives are explored. Beauties are exposed. The scenes…

Queering femininities
Mon Nov. 8, 2021, 20:30 h

Austrian experimental and avant-garde cinema has been exploring the deconstruction of female sexuality for more than 50 years. With works by VALIE EXPORT, Maria Lassnig, Anna Spanlang, Kurdwin Ayub, Nana Swiczinsky, Ashley Hans Scheirl and Katrina Daschner, the programme shows positions ranging from queer femininity avant-la-lettre to the gender c…